Licensing agreement on the Mohamed Outakhiamt Products
Here are the highlights of our license to which are worth paying attention to.
You can use our products in your/your client's personal and commercial projects, but resale and distribution of the final product/source files is prohibited by our license:
- You should not include our graphic resources as an additional attachment for any resalable web applications or software programs;
- You can't to distribute our works, sharing links to source files;
- You can't imitate the work principles of our products.
Examples of prohibited use:
- creating a pattern generator based on our patterns/mesh gradients;
- Modify illustrations and resell it;
- Using our designs to generate code based on it and then sell it as your product;
- Including our mockups and illustrations in frameworks themes to be sold;
- Put up a website you have made for sale(on Freepik for example) and look for buyers this way.
By purchasing resource (“item” or “file”) you are being granted a license to use these files for specific uses under certain conditions.
Ownership remains with Enora store. You must comply with the our license terms.
Enora store uses images and names of third party products. Intellectual property rights in relation to those products (including registered trademarks) belong to their respective owners. We are not affiliated or associated with, or authorised or endorsed by, the owners of the products.
By accessing these assets, you agree to obtain all necessary permissions from the underlying rights holders and/or adhere to any applicable brand use guidelines before using them. Enora store disclaims all express or implied warranties with respect to these assets, including non-infringement of intellectual property rights.
You have right to use our resources royalty free for your / your client's personal and commercial projects.
You may modify the resources according to your requirements and use them royalty free in your/your client's personal and commercial projects. For example, you might include this resource in a website that you are developing for a client.
Enora store will not be responsible for any outcome that may occur during the course of usage of our resources.
We reserve the rights to change prices and revise the resources usage policy in any moment.
You do not have the rights to redistribute, resell, lease, license, sub-license or offer the file downloaded to any third party.
For any resalable web applications or software programs, you should not include our graphic resources as an additional attachment. This will be considered distribution and therefore prohibited by our license.